RobosizeME's Contribution to the Hotel Yearbook 2024

June 27, 2024
André Baljeu

RobosizeME's Contribution to the Hotel Yearbook 2024: Exploring the Do's and Don'ts of Automation in Hospitality

We are thrilled to announce that RobosizeME has contributed to the 2024 Edition of the Hotel Yearbook, an industry publication hosted by This emphasises our commitment to the hospitality industry as we continue to pave the way for automation solutions and digital workers. The article, penned by our very own Co-Founder and Head of Hospitality Consulting, Linda Girrbach, delves into the critical do's and don'ts of leveraging automation in hospitality to enhance efficiency and guest experience.

The Article: A Glimpse into Automation Best Practices

Linda's article is a comprehensive guide for hoteliers who are navigating the complexities of automation. Integrating technology and automation has become more crucial as the hospitality industry evolves. However, it’s not just about implementing technology; it’s about doing it right. Linda’s insights provide a balanced perspective, highlighting the potential benefits and the pitfalls to avoid.

The Do's of Using Automation in Hospitality

Enhance Guest Experience: One of automation's primary focuses should be elevating the guest experience. Automation can significantly improve how guests interact with hotel services, from seamless check-ins to personalised services. Linda emphasises the importance of using technology to create memorable and positive guest experiences.

Improve Operational Efficiency: Automation can streamline various operational processes, reducing staff workload and allowing them to focus on more critical tasks. Linda discusses how automating repetitive tasks such as room service requests, maintenance reports, and housekeeping schedules can lead to more efficient hotel operations.

Data-Driven Decisions: Leveraging data through automation tools can provide valuable insights into guest preferences and operational performance. Linda points out that utilising data analytics can help hoteliers make informed decisions, tailor their services, and optimise their resources effectively.

The Don'ts of Using Automation in Hospitality

Over-Automation: While automation offers numerous benefits, striking a balance is essential. Linda warns against over-automating processes to the point where they detract from the personal touch that is so vital in the hospitality industry. Automation should enhance human interaction, not replace it.

Neglecting Staff Training: Introducing new technologies requires proper training and support for staff. Linda stresses that failing to adequately train staff on how to use automated systems can lead to frustration, errors, and decreased productivity. Continuous training and support are crucial for successful implementation.

Ignoring Guest Feedback: Automation should not be a one-size-fits-all solution. Linda highlights the importance of listening to guest feedback and adapting automation strategies accordingly. What works for one hotel might not work for another, and guest preferences can vary widely.

Our Commitment to Innovation and Excellence

At RobosizeME, we are committed to helping hotels navigate the evolving landscape of automation with expertise and precision. Linda’s article in the Hotel Yearbook is a testament to our dedication to sharing knowledge and best practices with the industry. We believe that automation, when implemented thoughtfully, can transform the hospitality experience for both guests and staff.

Celebrating Our Contribution

Participating in the 2024 Edition of the Hotel Yearbook is an honour for us. It provides a platform to share our insights and contribute to the broader conversation about technology in hospitality. We are incredibly proud of Linda and her invaluable contribution to this publication. Her expertise and passion for the industry shine through in her writing, offering practical advice that hoteliers can apply to their operations.

Looking Ahead

We remain focused on innovating and delivering top-tier automation solutions for the hospitality industry. We invite you to read Linda’s full article on the Hotel Yearbook website and explore its wealth of knowledge. You can access the entire article here.

Stay Connected

For more updates on our latest projects, insights, and industry news, follow us on our social media channels and visit our blog regularly. Together, we can shape the future of hospitality with the power of automation.

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André Baljeu

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