Have You Heard of Human in the Loop Automation? (HITL)

July 15, 2024
Elitsa Mincheva
Human-in-the-loop automation (HITL) integrates human oversight with automated systems. This approach enhances decision-making and improves hospitality results.

What is HITL?

HITL incorporates humans into automated systems for decision-making. Humans guide, validate, and judge stages of automation. This interaction ensures better outcomes by combining human understanding with machine efficiency.

HITL in Hospitality

HITL enhances service by blending human judgment with automation. Automated systems handle routine tasks, while humans manage complex, unique situations. This partnership improves guest experiences.

Applications of HITL in Hospitality

Customer Service: Chatbots handle basic queries. Humans resolve complex issues. This ensures quick and personalised service.

Reservation Management: Automated systems manage bookings. Human agents handle special requests. This guarantees smooth reservations.

Guest Experiences: Data-driven automation suggests services. Human staff personalise these experiences. Guests feel valued and special.

Event Planning: Automated tools organise events, while human planners ensure smooth execution, leading to successful and memorable events.

Housekeeping: Smart systems monitor room conditions. Housekeeping staff prioritise tasks. This ensures cleanliness and efficiency.

Food Services: Automation processes orders. Human servers ensure accuracy. This provides a delightful dining experience.

Guest Feedback: Automated surveys collect feedback. Human staff respond to and act on concerns, improving guest satisfaction.

Check-In/Check-Out: Self-service kiosks speed up processes, and staff assist with issues, enhancing the guest experience.

Loyalty Programs: Automation tracks rewards. Human staff offer personalised incentives. This boosts loyalty and guest retention.

How HITL Works

HITL involves the use of machine learning models. Humans review and validate the outputs of these models. This ensures that decisions are accurate and contextually relevant. HITL is essential for end-to-end process automation with intelligent automation (IA). Human input is required before the process is complete. This is also known as “attended automation.”

Attended vs. Unattended Automation

Unattended Automation:

Attended Automation:

Benefits of HITL in Hospitality

Challenges of HITL


HITL automation is a valuable addition to hospitality automation strategies. Combining human oversight with automated processes ensures efficient, accurate, and personalised service. Implementing HITL can enhance guest experiences and satisfaction.

Incorporating HITL into your automation strategy can help your hospitality business stay competitive and responsive to guest needs.

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Elitsa Mincheva

Senior Hospitality Consultant
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Elitsa Mincheva
Senior Hotel Specialist
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